Texas A&M-Blinn TEAM Program

TEAM students benefit from enrollment at both institutions. Students enjoy the university experience afforded by Texas A&M (such as residence hall life, sports events, and a huge range of student services and activities), while enjoying the smaller classroom environments and costs of Blinn College. Academic advisors, faculty, and staff at both schools facilitate TEAM student successes. TEAM was the first program in Texas to connect a junior and senior institution in exactly this way. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board complimented the TEAM Program in 2013 by bestowing “Recognition of Excellence.” In 2014 TEAM received the Board’s coveted “Star Award” as one of the top educational initiatives in Texas.
*The Texas A&M University System’s 2,000-acre RELLIS campus is located only minutes from Texas A&M. The name “RELLIS” is an acronym for the Aggie core values of respect, excellence, leadership, loyalty, integrity and selfless service. The RELLIS campus is the first integrated education, research, and testing institution in Texas, and focuses on collaboration beyond institutional affiliation.
Howdy! We appreciate your interest in the Texas A&M-Blinn TEAM Program (TEAM).
How to Apply
High school seniors interested in TEAM must apply to Texas A&M University via the regular freshman admissions process.
Participants in TEAM are selected by the Office of Admissions as part of the regular freshman admission process. There is no way to apply directly to the TEAM Program.
Program Requirements
The basic requirements of TEAM include completion of 45 credit hours at Blinn College and 15 credit hours at Texas A&M during the two-year program. Students who complete the academic requirements transition into degree-granting majors through a change of curriculum process (no external application is required), but entering students are not guaranteed entry to a particular college or major in advance. (Entry into many academic majors is competitive based on criteria such as grade point average and prerequisite course completion.) It is possible to transition into some academic majors in less than two years.
Several colleges and departments at Texas A&M have created “Pathway Agreements” which guarantee direct entry for TEAM students if the criteria are met. These agreements are linked below.
Mays Business School
Terms and Conditions Of Student Participation in the TAMU-Blinn TEAM Program 2024-2026
- Participation. Only students selected by TAMU, from among those who apply for freshman admission to TAMU, will be invited to participate in the TEAM program. Students originally admitted by TAMU to the Texas A&M Engineering at Blinn program (TEAB), who no longer intend to pursue a degree within the College of Engineering, may transition to TEAM before the start of their fourth regular semester.
- Length of Program. A student participating in TEAM must complete the program within a consecutive two-year period. The period begins with the fall semester of the year of admission to the program and ends at the completion of the first summer session of the second academic year of enrollment in the program.
- Grading.The grade point average (GPA) for each TEAM student will be calculated separately at each institution using the methodology and course work of the respective institution.
- Intended Major. Students admitted into the TEAM program must identify an intended degree-granting program (major) at TAMU prior to registration for their first academic term in TEAM.
- Completion. Successful completion of the TEAM program guarantees continuation at TAMU and is defined as transitioning to a degree-granting major. Students are not guaranteed transition to a particular major. To transition to a requested major, students must meet the conditions for acceptance and be selected by the appropriate department or college via the Change of Curriculum Process. There are two ways a student may successfully complete the TEAM program.
- Early Transition Opportunity. After completion of two or more semesters in the TEAM program, a student may apply to a degree-granting major via the TAMU Change of Curriculum process if the student has: maintained a minimum 2.5 GPA at both institutions, achieved the minimum TAMU GPA required by the major, and completed all other entry requirements for the major.
- Program Conclusion. Students who have not transitioned to a degree-granting major by the conclusion of the first summer session of the second academic year of enrollment in the program must meet the following criteria:
- Have a minimum of 60 hours of college coursework complete
- Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on at least 36 credit hours of transferable Blinn College course work applicable to the student’s intended degree program at TAMU
- Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on at least 15 TAMU credit hours subject to the following:
- At least 12 of the 15 credits taken at TAMU must consist of 3 or 4 credit hour courses that satisfy TAMU core curriculum or degree requirements in the student’s intended academic major.
- Students who become eligible to transition to their intended majors as described in item 5.a. may choose to remain in TEAM until program conclusion but must then meet eligibility to transition as described in item 5.b.
- Appeal Process. At the conclusion of the TEAM program, students who do not qualify for guaranteed continuation as described in item 5.b., but are selected for transition via the Change of Curriculum Process (pending verification of TEAM eligibility), may submit an appeal to TAP for transition approval.
- Previously Earned Credits. Any college level credits accepted by TAMU that were earned by a student prior to beginning the TEAM program shall apply toward the Blinn College 36 credit hour requirement.
- These include credits resulting from transfer, dual/concurrent enrollment, Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB), SAT II Subject Tests, or other recognized means by which credit is awarded by examination.
- The use and application of these credits will be determined by the student’s eventual degree program.
- After a student begins the TEAM program, only credits earned from Blinn College will count toward the Blinn College 36 credit hour requirement.
- Reverse Transfer of Credits. A student in the TEAM program shall be permitted to transfer course credits from TAMU to Blinn College in accordance with the policies of Blinn College. The use and application of these credits at Blinn College shall be determined by the student’s Associate Degree program.
- Financial Aid. A financial aid consortium agreement between TAMU and Blinn College will be made in a document separate from this Memorandum of Agreement.
- Academic Major. At TAMU a student in the TEAM program will be designated as a “TEAM” major. At Blinn College a student in the TEAM program will initially be placed in a major that aligns with their corresponding TAMU major from the time of application. Additionally, the student will be identified by a “TEAM” attribute and cohort.
- Academic Advising. At TAMU, a TEAM student will receive academic advising from the TAP advising office. A TEAM student may also consult the TEAM Program Manager in the Blinn College advising office.
- Fees. A student in the TEAM program will be required to participate in, and pay any fees associated with, orientation programs at TAMU and Blinn College before beginning the program.
- Texas Success Initiative. Blinn College will be responsible for assuring a TEAM student’s compliance with Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements and will provide remediation for any TEAM student needing such additional course work. Courses required for remediation shall not be counted toward the minimum requirements of the TEAM program at either institution.
- Enrollment Requirements. A TEAM student must meet the following enrollment requirements.
- Each TEAM student must enroll in a minimum of 12 total credit hours each Fall and Spring semester with 3-6 credit hours at TAMU and the remainder at Blinn College.Any exceptions must be approved in advance by the Director of the TEAM program.
- The 3-6 TAMU credit hours must include at least one 3 or 4 credit hour course that satisfies a degree requirement in the student’s intended academic major.(This course may fill a general elective requirement if any are allowed in the curriculum of the student’s intended academic major.)
- The maximum credit hour enrollment for Summer I and II sessions is 7 at Blinn College and 7 at TAMU.The maximum credit hour enrollment for 10-week summer sessions is 10 at Blinn College and 14 at TAMU.The maximum combined enrollment limit for TEAM students in summer school is 14 credit hours.
- Co-enrollment. A TEAM student will enroll for courses at both institutions in accordance with published registration periods for all students.
- Payment. A TEAM student will pay applicable fees and tuition to each institution and must meet the respective payment deadlines for all applicable fees and tuition payable to each institution.
- Student Records. A TEAM student’s academic and disciplinary records will be maintained and kept current at both institutions with appropriate periodic exchange of information between the two institutions. To facilitate the transfer of student records and the appropriate application of course work toward the fulfillment of degree requirements, a TEAM student will be asked to sign a document that will permit the release of academic records and allow the bilateral sharing of those records between the two institutions.
- Student Rules. A TEAM student is expected to be knowledgeable about the TAMU Student Rules and the Blinn College Student Rules and shall agree to comply with said rules.
- Removal from Program. A student who does not remain on track to complete TEAM academic requirements may be removed from the TEAM program. A student who violates TAMU student rules is subject to sanctions outlined in the applicable rule(s) up to and including dismissal from TEAM or suspension from TAMU.
- A student removed from the TEAM Program for either academic or disciplinary reasons will no longer be eligible to continue enrollment at TAMU, however, the student may continue at Blinn College with the approval of Blinn officials and pursue future readmission to TAMU subject to the then current readmission criteria.
- A student not allowed to continue at Blinn College will also not be allowed to continue at TAMU.
- A TEAM student appealing academic or disciplinary decisions will be directed to the institution under whose jurisdiction the matter falls and will follow established procedures at that institution.
- Readmission. If a student voluntarily drops out of the TEAM program, the student may pursue future readmission to TAMU subject to the then current readmission criteria.
- Student Services. To the extent possible, all student services, student activities, student organizations, etc., will be available to a TEAM student at the respective institution. Upon withdrawal from TAMU, a student immediately forfeits access to services provided by TAMU.
Where will I go for academic advising? You will be able to consult academic advisors at both schools. Your primary academic advising office is Transition Academic Programs (TAP) located in Hotard Hall Floor 3 on the A&M campus. Blinn College academic advising for TEAM students is located in the Student Services center inside the Blinn RELLIS Administration Building (BLRA) on the RELLIS campus.
How will I set up my class schedule(s)? Incoming TEAM students will register for courses while attending a New Student Conference on the Texas A&M University campus. Academic advisors from both A&M and Blinn will be present to make appropriate course recommendations. Factors that influence suggested courses include: Core Curriculum requirements, previously-earned college credits (such as dual credits or AP credits), choice of academic major, exam scores such as TSI/SAT/ACT or Math Placement Exams, prerequisite limitations, and course availability.
TEAM students must coordinate their class schedules between the two schools to avoid time conflicts. The goal is to minimize transitions between campuses. Many students have found that a Monday/Wednesday/Friday class schedule at A&M and a Tuesday/Thursday schedule at Blinn (or vice versa) is most efficient. If such a schedule is not possible, you may need to have classes on both campuses on the same day. If so, you should try to schedule one campus in the morning and the other in the afternoon to minimize transitions. Always allow at least one hour between classes (for commuting and parking) when you change campuses during the day.Where will I eat? All students living on the A&M campus are required to purchase a dining plan, but any student may purchase a plan regardless of where they reside. The dining plan will be linked to your student ID card and can be used in all University Dining locations.
Wait until you know where you will live, and what your class schedule will be, before you decide on meal arrangements. Students, particularly members of the Corps of Cadets, should evaluate where they will be at mealtimes before deciding on the A&M dining plan to purchase. Visit the A&M Dining Services website for details.
On the RELLIS Campus, the Blinn Marketplace convenience store (in the Schwartz Building) offers snack, sandwich, and beverage options for students. The Houston Street Deli (in the RELLIS Academic Complex Bldg. 1) offers hot & cold food options. (These RELLIS locations are not part of A&M’s Dining Services.) As the RELLIS Campus continues to grow, expect additional food options to be added.Can I apply for on-campus housing at TAMU? Yes, TEAM students are eligible to apply for on-campus housing. Start the process by logging into the myHousing Portal using your NetID and password. If you encounter a notice that housing has filled to capacity, sign up for the waitlist. Often on-campus rooms become available later when some students decide to live off-campus.
Students who participate in the Corps of Cadets are guaranteed on-campus housing. TEAM students who wish to join the Corps should submit a housing application, and answer “yes” to the question about Corps participation.May TEAM students join the Corps of Cadets? Many students participate in the Corps of Cadets while in TEAM. The Corps of Cadets is the oldest student organization in the state of Texas, and is a premier leadership organization. The majority of cadet graduates (over 60%) go into the public and private sector, while 40% commission into the military. Information on how to join the Corps of Cadets is available at the Corps website or 1-800-TAMU-AGS.
Will I be able to join a sorority or fraternity at TAMU?
YES: Collegiate Panhellenic Council (CPC) sororities
YES: Multicultural and National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) organizations
YES: Fraternities (Interfraternity Council Organizations)If I run into a problem in a course, will I be able to drop the course? Yes, you may drop a course at Blinn or A&M, but there are deadlines for dropping courses at each school. (Consult the Blinn and A&M academic calendars.) If you drop a course you may fall behind schedule and need to make up those credits in summer school or subsequent semesters. You must plan to complete the TEAM Program requirements by the end of the first summer session following the sophomore year. Never drop a course without first consulting an academic advisor!
Do I have to have a certain grade point average (GPA) at both Blinn and A&M every semester? No, it is your cumulative GPA that is most important. It is easier to maintain a high GPA each semester rather than trying to raise it late in the program.
Will I be able to enroll for courses in my future major at A&M? Students are able to enroll in some courses that apply to all majors. However, there may be limited or no access at A&M to freshman and sophomore-level courses in majors such as Architecture, Business, Engineering, and Kinesiology. (TEAM students are able to take some equivalent courses in these subject areas at Blinn.) There may be increased possibilities of taking courses in these majors at A&M during summer school. If you have questions about making the transition to these majors, talk to a Transition Academic Programs advisor.
What happens if I fall short of the TEAM program’s academic requirements? Many TEAM students strive to transition before the two year TEAM program ends. Students who have not transitioned to degree-granting majors by the end of the program may be able to gain readmission into majors (as returning former students), subject to current readmission policies.
What tuition and fees do I have to pay? You will have to pay all required tuition and fees (separately) at both schools. The payment of fees made to each institution must meet the respective institution’s deadline. Both schools drop courses if payment deadlines are missed.
Students who are otherwise eligible to receive financial aid are able to combine their A&M and Blinn enrollment to be classified as full-time students for financial aid purposes. The Texas A&M Scholarships & Financial Aid Office disburses financial aid to TEAM students who qualify for aid. The final Blinn College payment deadline sometimes occurs prior to financial aid having been disbursed, nevertheless each student is responsible for meeting the payment deadline. Registering for Direct Deposit will speed the flow of financial aid.
The Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan (TGTP), formerly known as the "Texas Tomorrow Fund," may be used simultaneously at both schools. Students must follow the established procedures for Blinn and A&M each semester. Contact the respective financial aid offices for details.
May I take classes during the summer at A&M and/or Blinn? Yes. Students do not have to attend summer school, or be co-enrolled at both schools if they choose to attend summer school. However, after a student begins the TEAM program, only courses completed at A&M and Blinn may satisfy the TEAM program requirements. (Courses taken at hometown community colleges may still be transferred to A&M to satisfy degree requirements, but such courses will not count toward completion of TEAM program requirements.) Blinn College offers many distance education courses during the summer that will count toward the TEAM requirements while allowing a student to complete them from home.Do college credits I earned while in high school count toward completion of the TEAM program requirements? Yes. Transferable credits earned prior to beginning the program will count toward completion of the Blinn 36-credit hour requirement, but course grades earned at other schools will not affect the Blinn or A&M GPA. After a student has begun the TEAM program, courses completed at schools other than Blinn College or Texas A&M University will not count toward completion of the TEAM program requirements.
May I manage a part-time job while attending college? We recommend that you limit work commitments until you meet the academic requirements of the TEAM program.
Will I be able to participate in NCAA sports? While in TEAM, students are unable to enroll in enough credit hours at A&M to become eligible to compete in NCAA athletics. At Blinn College it is possible, but complicated, to enroll in sufficient credit hours to represent Blinn in NJCAA athletics. (This requires considerable planning.)
Will I be able to participate in Sport Clubs? You may be able to participate in sport clubs. All sport clubs are associated with National Governing Bodies (NGB) of Sports and may require full-time status at one school. Please contact the sport clubs office or the club directly for specific information. Any student can participate in intramurals.
Learn more about frequently asked questions about the RELLIS campus.Readmission Policy
TEAM students transition into degree-granting majors upon completion of the program requirements and entry criteria of the intended college and department. For TEAM students who do not successfully complete the program requirements, it is often possible to transition via the university’s readmission process (subject to current policies). Many former TEAM students have reached their intended college and department through readmission.
Texas A&M’s readmission policy is intended to enable the return of former students who left school in good academic standing prior to graduation. TEAM students are able to apply for readmission if they left the program without transitioning into a degree-granting major. It is crucial that former students meet with the departmental advisor of the desired academic major prior to submitting an application to assess likelihood of acceptance.
For information and instructions about current readmission criteria contact the Transition Academic Programs Department. View more information on the Office of Admissions readmission web page.